How to appoint a Chartered Town Planner
Town Planning Expert has grown from a small consultancy to a respected and trusted practice in the planning space.
We have built this firm and our well deserved reputation on pragmatic commercially focused advice that sets us apart from our competitors and gives you the very best guidance on your development project.
We look for planning solutions not planning problems. We would, quite honestly, rather you did not have to use a consultant! However we understand that sometimes its just unavoidable. So we look for the way around the problem rather than place additional roadblocks in your way.
We have made it as easy as possible for you to get help from one of our team on development projects. Here is how it all works.
Book a triage appointment
Our client journey starts with Triage and all triage calls happen with Jon McDermott. A triage call is a zoom conference call that lasts half an hour and establishes whether your development is on the right path or not. Triage is an important first step for you to discuss your ideas for a site and see whether the proposition holds water. You can book a triage call on the website by going here.
If more detail is needed seek formal advice
Seeking full formal advice from TPX happens with one of the planning team. Our Town Planners are chartered professionals or are on the pathway to gaining chartered status and most have been practising in the public and private sectors for at least 10 years or more. They lead a dedicated team of professionals who are all focused on delivering the right development for the right site at just the right time.
You can ask for formal advice here.
Get us instructed
Once you have your development aspirations set and you are ready to go now is the time to get us instructed to proceed. Once instructed you will get allocated a planner to work with. If you have taken formal advice this will likley be the planner that provided that advice. If you have just sought a check through triage then please do not be surprised if you cannot get Mr McDermott if that were the case then he would be doing everything and the team would be getting up to mischief!. We will allocate your case to the planner who has the right skill set and experience to assist you.
If in doubt – Reach out
We talk to property professionals all of the time. Unlike other consultancies we also run our own Property Expert Network! If you don’t have the time to see us in the week come and join us in the evening and lets chat about what you want to do.
Oh, and in case you were concerned about racking up consultancy fee’s….don’t be! Not only are we one of the most cost effective practices in the Country but we also do a few things which are great for you and your business. To you its just good business, to us its the way it should be!
Welcome to Town Planning Expert.